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About Us

Our Mission

The W.K. Jackson Leadership Academy seeks to provide all scholars a free high-quality, disciplined, instructional blended educational opportunity where every scholar will have value, educational practices will be true, ideas will be new and honor and respect will be in full view.

We will offer each scholar an equal opportunity to reach his/her highest potential academically, organically, emotionally, culturally and socially, so that each may become successful and impactful contributors to a global society.


W.K. Jackson Leadership Academy is dedicated to fostering a learning environment that celebrates diversity, promotes inclusivity, and values the uniqueness of every individual. We are committed to providing equal educational opportunities for all students, staff, and community members, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws. Discrimination, harassment, or any form of intolerance is not tolerated within our school community. We strive to create a safe, respectful, and supportive environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to succeed.

High Five Elements

Creating a culture of high academic expectations and cultural value.

Core Foundation
Building a strong academic foundation in science, technology, reading, engineering, and math.

Acknowledge and celebrate creativity and innovation.

Structured Environment
Adhere to structured, rigorous curriculum and environment.

Community and Family Involvement. Family and community engagement contributes to positive scholar outcomes.


Office: (405) 242-5317


    5700 N. Kelley Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73111

